Thank you to 2023 SDSGA Convention Sponsors!

Do you sell lamb directly to consumers or are you looking for fresh local lamb?

SDSGA in cooperation with SDSU Extension created a directory of "where to buy lamb". We want to be able to provide consumers with a buying guide to South Dakota lamb marketers. This guide is designed to help more consumers connect with HIGH QUALITY, LOCAL LAMB!

We will update the guide twice a year.  Please submit your request to be included in the next printing of the guide using this form.  

​Welcome to the SD Sheep Growers Association website -- your go-to source for all things sheep & wool related in South Dakota and surrounding states!   You can also check us out on Facebook for day-to-day events and news ~ South Dakota Sheep Growers Association ~ or email us with any questions at  You may also click on the links below for more information on upcoming events.

SD Sheep Growers Association
